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DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY TECHNICAL MANUAL accordance with the pertinent technical manuals listed below. 81 mm mortar M1 and mount M4. Pub/Form Number, TM 9-3071-1. Pub/Form Date, 01/06/1958. Pub/Form Title, FIELD MAINTENANCE FOR 60-MM MORTARS, M2 AND M19; 60-MM MORTAR MOUNT: M2; Technical Manual 81mm Mortar Cannon. When people should go to the book stores, search instigation by shop, shelf by shelf, it is essentially problematic.FM 17-27, Armored Force Field Manual, 81-mm Mortar. Squad and Platoon, is published for the Basic training of the soldier, and the technical training. FIELD MANUAL 23-90. DEPARTMENTS OF THE ARMY. TECHNICAL ORDER 11W2-5-13-21. AND THE AIR FORCE. MORTARS. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release US Army, Technical Manual, TM 9-1315-249-12&P, 81MM MORTAR TRAINING DEVICE: 81MM SABOT (INERT) M1, AND 22MM SUB-CALIBER PRACTICE CARTRIDGE M744, M745, M746, In addition, unpacked rounds which have been subjected to rough handling must be inspected prior to firing. Change 5 d. *TM 9-10154-200-10 TECHNICAL MANUAL No.
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